On the suffering of Job

Posted by izonprize

 Healing from pneumonia on 2nd round of a different antibiotic.  Levi has it too.  Just perfect timing to sit and watch the birds and listen to Job.  I’ve always believed there was a purpose to God allowing all of it.  In the end it was Jobs words - 42:4-6 (the “before” being, before all the things he had experienced)

4 Hear, please, and I will speak;

I will ask You, and You instruct [and answer] me.’

“I had heard of You [only] by the hearing of the ear,

But now my [spiritual] eye sees You.

“Therefore I retract [my words and hate myself]

And I repent in dust and ashes.”

So many times, I have only had head knowledge and not spiritual understanding.  I can relate to Job.  I have so much more compassion for those who are sitting in darkness in the pews, although not sinless - blameless - like David.  I know as long as I am sincerely seeking God in the hard places, He is faithful to open my blind eyes to see things I would never have seen any other way.  For one, “this is what unconditional love looks like” in our adoption story.  Over and over in my darkest hours of my life, God has been faithful to pull me in tight and show me His love and how important it is to remember Him as first love #1 - even when my heart is breaking.  

Only God truly knows our deepest needs and pain points and only He can heal them.  

The Rainbow and God’s promise

Posted by izonprize

I had an interesting thought. When God made a covenant with humanity, promising never again to destroy the earth and all mankind with a flood, He gave the rainbow as a sign of that promise. It struck me that, in our lifetime, some of the most troubling issues—like the distortion of God’s Word in certain churches, the LGBTQ+ agenda, and the tragedy of abortion—seem to stand in stark defiance of His truth. How striking that the rainbow, a symbol of God’s mercy and faithfulness, has been adopted in a way that could be seen as an affront or mockery of His promise.