Posted by izonprize

I know you are feeling sad, angry, ashamed, lost, alone, unloved, uncared for, unappreciated, abandoned, rejected, and a million other bad things. I see it in your eyes and in your tears; in what you say and in what you don't say. I know you wonder if this pain will ever go away, if you can ever forget it, push it down deep enough that you never see or feel it again, but suddenly, when you least expect it, it bursts forth like a volcano...bubbling over, memories crashing down around you, again...Beloved, as you are strengthened by the Holy Spirit, and as you begin to see Him faithful in meeting you in each of those painful memories, you will feel those chains begin to fall off. You have begun a very important journey that so very few Christians know to travel: Putting on the Armor, and marching into those places where pain and lies reside, and bringing each and every one of those lies to the foot of the cross for Jesus to speak TRUTH to. When the Holy Spirit speaks truth, the lies crumble. The only power satan has in a Believer's heart, is the through the lies we believe. He is the LIAR and Father of Lies; so He tries to keep us bound up and shakled by tormenting us with his relentless, button-pushing, LYING little self. BUT GOD who dwells within us is greater than any lie. We just have to be willing to "go there" and take back the ground that we, as young adults, teenagers, little children (sometimes infants) innocently gave him. We are not little chidren ANY MORE. We are strong in the Lord and in the strength of HIS might, we can take on any foe--including the father of lies. I am praying for you now and EVERY DAY, that each and every day you would have the grace and the strength to go to EACH and every painful memory in your past (one by one, week by week) until you have discovered all the lies you have believed about yourself in each one and as you lift those lies up to Jesus and ask Him his opinion, that you then receive every truth Jesus has for you in each one. Write down what HE tells you and believe HIM. It is in choosing to believe Jesus and His opinion instead of the lies, that we are set free and the chains come off...unshakled, free to dance, free to laugh, free to be. You can do this! When you know (intimately, and experiencially), know the Truth, then you will be free indeed. My love and prayers are with you forever. Be free. That is my prayer.


  1. KrysTros said...

    So true sis, unfortunately sometimes it takes time for acceptance and forgiveness. It's not that we want to hold on to all of the negative things but sometimes it feels like it's the only thing to hold on to, a reason to do what we do. But we will get there!

  2. Amanda Porter Rosendahl said...
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