You are beautiful creations of the Living God. He made you each for His own glory and praise. I know the enemy would love to torment you with condemning thoughts and keep your mind set on negative things. But, because you have been very honest with your feelings, he can now show you what to do next. First, turn your hearts towards "home" to Jesus who lives and dwells inside of you. If you are a believer, He is the only one who can do this weight loss thing in you. I just was up last night spending time with Him and in His Word and He spoke this very thing to me.
APART FROM HIM, WE CAN DO NOTHING. NOTHING....NOTHING. That means, NOTHING that will bear fruit that will last for Him. Every good thing we do without Him will one day burn up and not be counted in God's books. Now, some of you know what I mean here, and others may be confused or disagree. Can we lose weight without God's help? Probably. But is that the way you want to do this? I don't. I want God to get all the glory for everything I accomplish, even losing weight.
The frustration comes when we think WE must DO something in and of ourselves. WE CAN'T. Not anymore. Not since we are born again. It is not possible. We can't even pray this way: "LORD HELP US!..." Not really. Because that is saying WE are doing something and want Him to just "help us" achieve "our plans" and "our goals", instead of realizing the best way is to realize it is HIM, in us, DOING it.
This is really deep thinking, I know, and I am still pondering it all myself. But I, for one, intend to meditate on this truth He gave me last night. ABIDE in HIM and he will abide in me. To allow HIM to choose my food for me today. To allow Him to be in control and NOT me or my flesh or my choosing or my decisions, because I will always choose wrong, for the most part, because I am selfish in and of myself and I usually want to pet and stroke my flesh and feed it what it is crying out for. BUT, the Spirit of God inside of me is calling out to me to surrender to His will--to allow HIM to choose for me. This is a mindset and we have to approach it spiritually. This will only be won on the spiritual field. We cannot win this battle in our flesh or in our own minds or by our own strength. The world can--WE CANNOT. We play by different rules now. This is the love of the Father towards us--He is disciplining us and and He is loving us by teaching us to ABIDE in Him and allow HIM to choose our food (taking the time to ask HIM before I reach for anything to eat).
I, for one, am going to practice this teaching He gave me today. I will report back. And remember this, it doesn't matter if someone weighs 320 or 120 lbs, as Christians, we are ALL accountable to live by the spirit and give the flesh no provision to lead us. I love you all and I pray that this makes sense and you can grab a hold of SOME part of this teaching of the Holy Spirit and run with it TODAY. Today is a new day.
Lord, Jesus, fill my friends and myself, with the POWER of your HOLY SPIRIT today. Fill us completely so that there is no provision or room for the flesh to rule or reign in our bodies. Fill our hearts and minds with the POWER of your Holy Spirit. We submit ourselves body, soul, and spirit to YOUR LEAD and YOUR DECISION for what we eat and drink today, and what words come out of our mouths. We want to glorify you in and with our bodies TODAY. Lord, you only promise us this day. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. We commit ourselves to be in submission to your HOLY SPIRIT of promise, this day. We set our minds on you. We command our flesh to be quiet and submit today. This day is your day, Lord Jesus. We will glorify you with our bodies today. Amen!
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