Posted by izonprize

I praise you God, first of all, because YOU are always with us--you NEVER leave us or forsake us.

You are a good GOD; You are Love; You are kind!

I am full of praise just knowing that there is nothing that will happen to me or the ones I love today,
or any other day,
that does not first have to pass your inspection
and your permission.

You use everything,
both bad and good,
to draw us closer to you.

I praise you that you gave us the book of Job as a confirmation
that bad things only happen to us
to draw us into a right eternal relationship with YOU;
because when this life is over and done,
relationship with You is all that will really count.

You have taught me, through Job, to see trials differently.

I love how, at the end of his great trial,
Job said "I admit I once lived by rumors of You; now I have it all firsthand--from my own eyes and ears!"

In otherwords, Job's trials took him from head knowledge about you, God,
to heart knowledge
leading to personal relationship.

LORD GOD! I praise you for all the good AND bad things that have come into my life,
because every last one of them have shown me something new about You
and strengthened our love-relationship!

I love you Father! I will praise and worship You forever! Amen.