Posted by izonprize

Aren't you glad each day is a new day and the old has passed away?

New things are in store for us THIS YEAR.

Nothing is impossible to those who believe.

I am working on memorizing this verse and applying it to my life daily.
I hope you will consider doing the same!

And when they began to sing and praise, the Lord sent ambushments against (their enemies). 2Chronicles 20:22

My enemy is the flesh that is constantly trying to get me to conform to the world, and the devil, with all his empty promises and constant temptations...

Who are your enemies, my friends?
Who or what do you need the Lord to defeat for you?

God is not a man that He would lie to us.

Every man is a liar, but God is not.

God will perform His Word towards us.

He is faithful to keep His Word.

He said if we do our part (sing and praise), He will do His part,
send ambushments against our enemies!

Let's try Him at His Word over the next 24 hours and see what happens...what do we have to lose?